The TEXMODA Massive Open Online Course
The main output of the project TEXMODA, is to develop a massive open on-line course (MOOC) on Novel Technologies for Fashion In-dustry. The target audiences are students and recent graduates of higher education and post-secondary VET institutes that attend or have attended related study fields (clothing and textile industry, fash-ion) and employees of SME’s working in textile and fashion industry.
The MOOC is structured in the following units:
1 New Textiles Structures and Technologies
2 Nanomaterials
3 Smart Textiles
4 Digital Fashion Design
5 Sustainability in Design and Production
6 Logistics and Distribution
The TEXMODA MOOC is now available for free, on the University of Valencia platform: www.upvx.es
Registration is open and you are welcome to join the course !!!